Walter Williams Moral Discipline

Walter Williams Moral Discipline

The free market process promotes a moral discipline which says: ‘Unless we are able and willing to serve our fellow man, we shall have no claim on what he produces’.

Contrast that moral discipline with the immorality of the welfare state. In effect the welfare state says: ‘You do not have to serve your fellow man; through intimidation, threats and coercion, we will take what he produces and give to you.’

Law without Penalties

Law without Penalties

The free market process promotes a moral discipline which says: ‘Unless we are able and willing to serve our fellow man, we shall have no claim on what he produces’.

Contrast that moral discipline with the immorality of the welfare state. In effect the welfare state says: ‘You do not have to serve your fellow man; through intimidation, threats and coercion, we will take what he produces and give to you.’

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