Free Resources
Who doesn’t love a great freebie!
We provide a number of free resources that are excellent discussion starters for teaching economics, government and history. Boundary Stone will continue to develop additional free resources that spotlight important foundational principles related to these subjects. Enjoy!
The Law Mini-course
Do you recognize socialism when you see it? Do you understand why it is doomed to failure? Can you verbalize the principles that refute the it?
The Law is an essay written by Frédéric Bastiat in 1850. Bastiat had a real gift for helping people comprehend essential foundational principles. This is a must read for anyone who wants to correctly evaluate policy options that are put forward by our elected officials or candidates for office.
2020 Household Budget Mini-course (New Version!)
Know someone who is anxious to get out on their own, but they have little idea of the expenses involved? Or someone who needs a little confidence they can make it work?
This budget project (updated Aug. 2020) helps you walk through setting up a household budget in thirteen lessons. Each lesson focuses on one category of expenses. It is designed to help high school students begin to comprehend the expenses associated with living on their own. Get a spreadsheet you can use in real life!
Our Favorite Quotes
These quotes from famous authors and orators will inspire you regarding the principles that America was built upon.
Helpful Articles
Economists have a unique perspective on what is happening in the world that often explains things the rest of us miss.
Dr. Paul Cleveland and some of his associates write articles of interest that are helpful to stimulate thought and discussion.
Navigation Points Videos
Dr. Cleveland has made several 5-minute videos on various topics in economics and policy.